BANEA 2024 Conference
University of Glasgow, 3-5 January 2024
The British Association of Near Eastern Archaeology (BANEA) is issuing a public apology for a lack of oversight related to the inclusion of one paper in the Achaemenid Environments workshop organised in the BANEA 2024 conference at the University of Glasgow, 3-5 January 2024. The presenters of the paper are associated with Ariel University which is located in an Israeli settlement built in the Occupied Palestinian territories. BANEA is aware of the role of Ariel University in normalising Israeli occupation, and so does not recognise Ariel University as a legitimate academic partner.
We refer you to the Israeli Academics for Peace website for a detailed assessment of the status of Ariel University.
BANEA is currently reviewing our conference protocols, abstract acceptance and grant award processes, to strengthen oversight of our event programmes.
The University of Glasgow is proud to host the 2024 BANEA annual meeting on the 3-5th January 2024.
Early Bird Registration, priced at £80 (£35 student/unwaged), will be available at banea24.org until Friday 6th October, at which point prices will increase to £95/45. A 3-course conference dinner will take place on the 3rd January, after the Keynote and a reception, and is priced at £55. Places are limited to 40 for the dinner on a first come first served basis.
If you are unsure whether you are currently a member of BANEA, please contact the BANEA membership secretary to enquire at y.heffron@ucl.ac.uk.
Grants for expenses are available for eligible applicants at https://www.banea.org/conference-grants
Organised around Archaeological and heritage practice in Southwest Asia: towards equitable futures, the conference will foreground archaeology’s role and responsibilities in climate change discourse; the discipline’s colonial inheritances and legacies, and strategies for addressing and mitigating them; and equitable and sustainable archaeological, cultural heritage, and community engagement practice. A keynote speech from Rozhen Kamal Mohammed-Amin will tackle issues related to these themes.
Main Programme (including travel details and map)
Achaemenid Environments Programme
Big Dig Energy Workshop Programme
Whose Heritage Is It Anyway? Programme
The main programme will be updated each day of the conference with any changes or cancellations
Additional Digital Session (12/01/2024 - 1pm GMT) When is Urban, Really?