Membership of BANEA is open to anyone who is interested in the archaeology, languages, and history of the Ancient Near East.
We are happy to inform you that BANEA and London Centre for the Ancient Near East (LCANE) now offer joint annual membership, with fees split evenly between the two institutions to be used for organising events (such as the upcoming annual BANEA conference or the LCANE spring seminars), student grants for conference attendance, or small-scale research projects.
Membership entitles you to apply for BANEA / LCANE grants and is also required for attending the annual BANEA conference. It costs £15.00 for full membership and £7.50 for student/unwaged membership.
Subscribe to Full Membership (£15 recurring every 12 months)
Subscribe to Student//Unwaged Membership (£7.50 recurring every 12 months)
Membership benefits
Hear the News First!
BANEA members will receive news and announcements about BANEA & LCANE through our mailing list, before these are announced elsewhere.
We only use this mailing list to contact you about membership, and information about events organised directly by BANEA or LCANE. We will not spam you with circulars about other events but we do spread the word about general ANE news, talks, lectures, activities, jobs, and much more on our BANEA Facebook page.
Attend the Annual Conference
You will need membership if you would like to attend the annual BANEA conference.
Members can propose session/workshop themes, submit paper/poster abstracts, or simply register as audience to hear talks and participate in discussions.
Apply for BANEA Grants
With BANEA membership, you will be eligible to apply for grants which are normally given out to support student attendance to conferences (e.g. to cover the costs of travel or accommodation) as well as occasional grants for organising research or public-engagement events.
Have Your Say
BANEA members can attend the Annual General Meeting (AGM) held during the conference.
Members can vote on elections to the Steering Committee and are themselves eligible to be nominated for a place.
As part of BANEA's ongoing efforts towards decolonising, we are keen more than ever to hear from our members and will be inviting input and open more decisions to the vote especially on this front.
BE PART OF a community
BANEA events are an excellent way to get to know people and be part of an industrious and friendly community.

How to become a BANEA member
British Association of Near Eastern Archaeology (BANEA) & London Centre for the Ancient Near East (LCANE) Joint Membership Payment Information and Instructions
For new memberships or renewal, please carefully read the instructions and fill out the form by clicking on the yellow button below. Please note that currently we are only able to receive payment via UK cheques or UK/International bank transfer.
All membership fees are split evenly between BANEA and LCANE but we maintain separate bank accounts for donations. You may pay your membership fees by cheque or via bank transfer using details either for BANAE or LCANE. If making an additional donation, please pay directly the specific organisation/s you wish to further support.
If paying by UK cheque
Please make the cheque payable to ‘British Association of Near Eastern Archaeology OR ‘The London Centre for the Ancient Near East.’
Please write your full name and e-mail address on the back of the cheque and post it to BANEA/LCANE Membership Secretary: Dr Yağmur Heffron, Department of History, UCL, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT
If paying via bank transfer
Please use either of the BANEA OR LCANE bank account details below.
When making the transfer, please quote your first initial + surname as your payment reference, e.g. LWOOLLEY for Leonard Woolley For international payments, please pay all transfer charges and currency conversion charges at your bank so that the correct membership fee is paid to BANEA/LCANE
Please pay to Lloyds TSB 39 Threadneedle Street London EC2R 8AU to the credit of London Centre for the Ancient Near East (LCANE)
Account No. 01425301 Sort-code 30-00-09
International IBAN: GB64 LOYD 3000 0901 4253 01 SWIFT/BIC: LOYDGB21013
Payment related queries: LCANE Treasurer Mr David Wilson 634056@soas.ac.uk
Please pay to Lloyds TSB 87 London Road Headington, Oxford OX3 9AB to the credit of British Association of Near Eastern Archaeology (BANEA)
Account No 01479864 Sort-code 30-94-04
International IBAN: GB65 LOYD 3094 0401 4798 64 SWIFT/BIC: LOYDGB21176
Payment related queries: BANEA Treasurer Dr Neil Erskine neil.erskine@gla.ac.uk
Membership related queries: membership.banealcane@gmail.com